My Apologies to Miller Carbon

You suggested I leave my solid state components on all the time in spite of the trickle charge when off. Today after almost 2 weeks I heard better more solid lows, more air between the instruments, less hash, etc. Miller Carbon also introduced me to the Schumann Generators (2) which I also find helpful. I have very heavy Vandersteen speakers and am deliberating those suggested springs. Thanks MC
Miller carbon has helped me out more than once, I follow his advice too when applicable. 
Nice to see MC get positive feedback as opposed to the ridicule he usually gets. 

Nice to see MC get positive feedback as opposed to the ridicule he usually gets.

Nice to see him get positive feedback he's earned as opposed to the ridicule he usually...
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      Not even in the same ballpark, but: I'm still thankful he took a minute to help me with my typing/paragraph disconnection.

                              btw; THANX, millercarbon!