What Happened to the " Audio Hungary Qualiton X200 Integrated" thread???

I was following this because I have a great interest in that component. Then, boom, gone!
@earlfynn are you out there?
Post removed 
All it took was that awful winter in Texas and poof! skypunk vanished and earlflynn popped up. All that bragging and bluster about Texas and how he had to maintain those "California Condor Killers" (wind powered turbines that were never winterized) and dissing on California at every opportunity he had, must have proved to be too much of an embarrassment. 

Only a few made out during that fiasco. Just ask Jerry Jones. He said those were good days for him after the price gouging went into effect.

I guess most people would look for an alias after that. 

All the best,

:-) Yes indeedy. I’ve got no crystal ball but something tells me we'll witness another vanishing act, this thread included.   

Does anyone know of a mail order source for unsalted oyster crackers?

Sim Moon Audio. Rack. Walnut boards. Vibration absorption under boards. Etc. etc. etc.

Your next Agon handle could be therevenant.