Received a Bill for State Tax on An Amp Bought in Canada Last Year

Wow! The envelope said “Dept of Revenue” so I figured it may be my car tags due. I opened the envelope to find a statement that I owed $665 for “use tax” on an amp I bought last year in June.  Shocked is an understatement. Yes, I bought a used amp from a guy in Canada through A’gon. But I paid the tariff on it. Now they also want tax.  However, the amount they are basing it on is over double what I paid for the amp. But had to send it to Don Sachs for repair a few months later. So I wonder if they are seeing that as a separate purchase rather than a repair. They even charged me $43 interest which is more ridiculous IMO.
So the question...Are you required  to pay tax on a used amp or other used  items? Has anyone else encountered this? Yes, I know the states are cracking down on the sales tax. But on used items? Wow

Progressives have nothing. First of all there are no progressives. There are only Marxists, and other variations on communism. Progressive is the term they thought would work here in the US. But the same tired old ideas never will work, no matter whether called progressive or even liberal.  

These terms are all either specific to their classical definitions, or else useless. But by their classical definitions conservatives want to conserve the status quo, which at the time was a royal monarchy in Great Britain. Liberal literally means free, so the Founders were liberal. Today, those who still cling to the Constitution are called conservative because they seek to conserve that which the liberal Founders gave us.

I'm taking time to explain all this to expose the lie behind the word progressive. There is nothing progressive about it. You seek to regress back to an old discredited system where one elite group of technocrats holds power and wields it over all the rest of us common folk. 

Progressives have no solutions, unless you want to count the hundreds of millions of bodies and call it like they actually did, the final solution. But you want to delude yourself into thinking it is the conservatives who want this.

Nothing could be further from the truth. What are the conservative ideals, besides those enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution? Adam Smith's invisible hand. Mises hard money currency. A people who hold inalienable rights granted by Almighty God. Local government with almost no power beyond administering a legal system. Local government doesn't even provide police. That is the job of elected Sheriffs. Federal government has even fewer powers, primarily the conduct of national defense and trade among nations.

What is sad beyond words is how rare these once universally known concepts are today. 
Post removed 
 Your comprehension needs lots of work. You originally stated that California’s homeless make up 1 in 4 of it’s residents. 

My words were “1 in 4 homeless Americans are Californians”. That does mean 1 of 4 Californians are homeless. YOU are the one whose comprehension needs work. A lot.

Any adult with an ouch of integrity would man up and apologize for insulting me especially when it’s as result of his own mistake. 
You, … well you won’t. 
What a surprise.
“And now, with no other recourse, you go and enact the "cancel culture" that your side invented by having my spanking of you deleted.  “

You can imagine you “spanked” me as much as you want, but no adult considers cursing at somebody because of your own comprehension error as “spanking” anyone. Most adults would be very embarrassed by it. You’re patting yourself on you back and deflecting. 
So please run along and leave me alone. I have no interest conversing with anybody who is not adult enough to apologize for his bad behavior. I suggest you should seek out  people closer to your own age. 
Hey pauly, did you read what I wrote after you deleted my apology, just 5 posts up? Or you that fired up that you got your post deleted thinking you’ve framed a narrative to make me look bad that you didn't even bother to take a look?

Just getting that notice that a post of yours was removed triggered you that much?

This time, I can say with confidence, that you should have read it before posting so this time, you wouldn’t look like the one with egg on your face. Nothing like having you plan backfire so bigly, eh?

Oh, and by the way, if you want to be left alone, don’t start the problem or even try to frame someone without thinking it through.

All the best,
"As for my take, establish a living wage ..."
How much would that be, who would decide the amount, and how would it be distributed?
" Pay some form of child support/assistance to working families ..."
Would the funds come from families that don't work? 

" As for "printing" money, how come I heard no one bring that up with the last, unfunded, 2 trillion dollar tax giveaway to those that didn't need or warrant it?" 
Most likely because the crowd you hang with don't have a clue about the money issue and never discuss it.
" Look under your beds, everyone! The commies are-a-comin'!"
No need to look under the bed. They are in plain sight screaming about "Equity," "BLM," "Defund the police," and "critical race theory." 
