Your comprehension needs lots of work. You originally stated that California’s homeless make up 1 in 4 of it’s residents.
My words were “1 in 4 homeless Americans are Californians”. That does mean 1 of 4 Californians are homeless. YOU are the one whose comprehension needs work. A lot.
Any adult with an ouch of integrity would man up and apologize for insulting me especially when it’s as result of his own mistake. You, … well you won’t.
What a surprise.
“And now, with no other recourse, you go and enact the "cancel culture" that your side invented by having my spanking of you deleted. “
You can imagine you “spanked” me as much as you want, but no adult considers cursing at somebody because of your own comprehension error as “spanking” anyone. Most adults would be very embarrassed by it. You’re patting yourself on you back and deflecting.
So please run along and leave me alone. I have no interest conversing with anybody who is not adult enough to apologize for his bad behavior. I suggest you should seek out people closer to your own age.