Vibration control on power versus signal

I am upgrading a power conditioner and was wondering if anyone has compared the effect of vibrations on the actual signal  - speakers and the their cables, amps, phono stages, turntables, other sources with the boxes and interconnects on SQ versus those on the power delivery side- power cords, conditioners, power supplies, etc.

So far, I have seen the benefits of vibration control on the signal via treatment on my speakers, phono stage, amp, and of course turntable. I have only minimally addressed it with my existing power conditioner with Herbie's tenderfeet, which may do something, but don't give the box the floating effect you get with Townshend pods/platforms or Symposium roller blocks.

Logically, I would think the effects of vibration would be much less detrimental on power versus signal, but logic doesn't always work in this hobby. For example, I was told that the BIGGEST improvement heard by Symposium is on CD players, not turntables or speakers or boxed components. That surprised me because of the huge improvement I heard on my turntable with Townshend's Seismic Platform.

It's the only box I have that doesn't float around when I touch it (with the corresponding wires in the back) when I put records on top of it when putting them back. I don't like seeing that movement, even though it is very short lived. I would prefer not to treat the new one, but of course want to have the best sound that I can hear, not just the best in theory.

Thanks for relaying your experience. 
Don't know if it's applicable to your situation but I've had great results with SR's ECT...4 on top of my power transformers and 1 at the base of my preamp's rectifier tube. Millercarbon suggested that placement and he was right again...thanks MC!
You're welcome. My pleasure. I think it was David Pritchard turned me onto ECT and HFT. Sounded crazy but he seemed sane enough so I gave em a try. First thing I do is try them where they are not supposed to work. I do this with a lot of stuff, just out of curiosity as much as anything. Like maybe knowing where it works and how well might tell me something about what is going on. But it remains a mystery. A lot of this stuff is a mystery. Fortunately I do not require a neurophysiologist to explain hearing, I can simply enjoy hearing. And I do! Ha! And glad you do, too!
"Logically, I would think the effects of vibration would be much less detrimental on power versus signal, but logic doesn't always work in this hobby."

Look at a circuit diagram. It's fairly "obvious" why reducing noise at the AC input side will improve sound. 

I put the obvious in quotes because I only realized how obvious it was AFTER I heard the effects of a power cord first hand. I had built, and improved on, ripple filters in power supplies for years and it never dawned on me that cleaning the AC would lower ripple and noise on the B+ rail. 

I've got Omega eMats in lots of places throughout my system. It is easy to cut and shape to use around outlets, transformers, etc. Okay, so I have used this stuff directly under and inside different components. The best is probably inside speakers, around crossovers and drivers. But really "the best" is not a lot better, it is pretty close to the same everywhere. Everywhere. I put one inside my breaker box. This is clear across the other side of the house from the system. Near as I can tell it had the same improvement as one used inside the room on a component. Okay so then I put one on the meter box. Another 30 feet further away. Same thing.  

Well therefore logically, so I cut some into strips and zip tied the strips along the whole length of the AC from the panel to the room. That is just one of three or four things done to this wire.  

And the comments on my system page start to take on a whole new meaning.
I’d worry about EM fields inducing noise and distortion in nearby devices and guarding against that but vibrations, no.