Quick update. I’m now some 4 months into my Cornwall IV adventure and they continue to surprise and delight. Amp pairing has been interesting. I’ve used 100w Class A solid state, 36w EL84 push-pull, 18w 6L6GC push-pull, 10w EL84 push-pull, 3.5w 2A3 SET, and now 300B SET. All have been various shades of good to great, but the winner by several lengths... 300B! To my ears, in my room, with my ancillaries, this is the tube. Only 8 watts but it’s more than enough to fully energize my challenging 650+ sq/ft space while giving me everything I want in timbre, tonal richness, layering, and other SET beauties. Dynamics are superb. Bass is visceral. All the technical audiophile stuff there, plus the emotional engagement with the artistry of the musicians that I found lacking just a bit with other tubes and topologies (except the 2A3, but it simply did not have enough power). This is where I’ll stay. It is some of the best sound I’ve had, which I did not expect from a $6K speaker, let alone one made by Klipsch! Live and learn.
Thanks to all, but especially @jayrossi13 and @dbarger , whose posts about their success with 300B amps and these speakers nudged me down this road.