My Apologies to Miller Carbon

You suggested I leave my solid state components on all the time in spite of the trickle charge when off. Today after almost 2 weeks I heard better more solid lows, more air between the instruments, less hash, etc. Miller Carbon also introduced me to the Schumann Generators (2) which I also find helpful. I have very heavy Vandersteen speakers and am deliberating those suggested springs. Thanks MC
Apologies, but I will never purchase the following products because I am concerned that the hype here is due in no small part to a certain prolific poster receiving undisclosed “good customer” discounts: tekton, perfect path solutions,  better records stampers, raven, Townshend… I know I’m missing some. Again, apologies. 
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"Apologies, but I will never purchase the following products because I am concerned that the hype here is due in no small part to a certain prolific poster receiving undisclosed “good customer” discounts: tekton, perfect path solutions, better records stampers, raven, Townshend… I know I’m missing some. Again, apologies."

Say it ain't so, because if it is true, it might invalidate an awful lot of recent hot rhetoric.

As they say, when it comes to hi fidelitas, caveat emptor indeed!

As for leaving amps on all the time, I did that with my Naim amp for years and years with no issue. 

Did they really sound any better like that? Who knows? 

My Creek amp permanently remains in standby mode as a matter of fact. To actually switch it off means reaching around the back and switching it there. Or the mains.

However I certainly wouldn't recommend leaving  valves/tubes on all the time.

That's just asking for trouble.