Vandersteen 2Wq crossover

I'm looking for a fairly inexpensive crossover for a 2Wq. I just bought one used, but it did not have the introductory crossover, the WX-2, nor the X-2 included. I have a Moscode 600 amp that is probably an inpedance of around 50K, although I'm checking with George Kaye on that.
Any advice on something around $100 bucks?
The main speakers are Vandersteen 2CE's.
I should have said before this is single ended (RCA). My amp is CJ MV-50 with 100k input impedance. Also, I favor a rich lower mid so prefer slightly lower cross where possible, such as 60 hz. My speakers are Snell Type A so flat to 35 or so.
The part that still confuses me is the difference between the input impedance setting and the crossover point setting. Maybe as you decrease input impedance below what your amp would call for, the crossover point starts to drop? Sorry for my ignorance here and thanks for your ongoing help.
My issue seems to be solved! I talked to Richard Vandersteen and he told me I could use an M5-HP dip setting one below the recommended impedance to simulate a lower (80hz) cross point. Two below at most. Far more importantly, he guessed that my Snell speakers had a woofer that is designed out of phase, and that I should reverse leads on both channels to the sub to reverse absolute phase. At the time this sounded mystifying to me that this could make a big difference. I was seeing huge variances in dB by frequency band, compared to my full range speakers on their own. Well, voila! He was dead right. I reversed both sets of leads and it was all restored. No more frequency hole in the lower mid/upper bass I have to say I was blown away.

Once I thought about it, this makes sense to me. I have not worked with subs much but now realize the cancellation that was happening between the sub drivers and my Snell woofer. Bravo to Richard Vandersteen not only for knowing his stuff (no surprise) but also remembering the phase oddity of a 30+ year old Snell Type A! My system sounds incredible. I can't wait to tweak and spike it and work on the Q setting. Also, thanks to A'goners for indulging my ignorance and helping on this issue.
Stu - Enjoy! I absoluely love my 2Wqs. They are the Goldilocks of subwoofers. Not only is Richard one of the stars of the audio world, but his dealers, like John R. at Audio Connection are also excellent. Class acts all the way. I dunno if you like the music, but if you want to knock your socks off, once you have the sub dialed in properly, play some Bjork tracks with the strong, deep synthesized bass. Whoa!!!
Both Richard and John (Audio Connection) are oh so helpful with their advice....and are always right. These two guys are good to know.