Because the full embrace of this meditation could yield satisfaction with small radio.
The ratio is relative to a price SCALE....
In this price scale , low, mid-fi and high end, this ratio guide us toward what is important: looking for the optimal embeddings controls for a CHOSEN system in this price scale...
For any reader it is evident that my argument is relative to an already well chosen system in a price scale...And it is evident that this chosen system quality is IMPROVED by acousic control, mechanical and electrcial control....
For example my low cost system is in the lower end of the price scale .... But for his ratio price/quality now even if it is not the best in the world it is an amazingly satisfying system on par with some costly one.... This was my point...
I bet you are wise enough to have already understood my point...but sometimes someone wanting to make a point read too fast.... 😊
And yes if someone chose a small radio and control all his acoustic environment he can satisfy himself with it and say to himself, this radio compared to all my other one is the best because his ratio quality/price is NOW, thanks to control of acoustic and other variables,one of the best....
Meditation of this ratio is a meditation with 2 sides:
How can i improve my CHOSEN system toward his optimal working state?
And when this is done , how will it cost me to really upgrade toward a better ratio? Is it worth the cost to make an upgrade now?
This ratio price/quality and his twin brother the ratio quality/price are linked together by this more complex ratio the "diminushing returns" ratio....
I hope that all is clearer ...
My best to you....