Will the placement of casters on speaker stands degrade the performance

I recently purchased a new (used) pair of Magnapan 3.7i's.  They replaced a pair of 1.7's.  when I got the 1.7's I worked for weeks to get them tuned to the room.  At the end of that process, the 1.7's were like magic.  I am now going through the same process with the 3.7i's.  As I am getting older, the 3.7's (with Mye Stands) are much harder to move on my carpet.  My Question - Will placing casters under the stands degrade the sound quality and does anyone know the bolt and thread size for the Mye stands.  I would kindly appreciate knowledge, advice, opinion, etc.
Thanks in advance, js 

I suggest considering MC’s idea. You could also try it out inexpensively with a butcher block platform and some Nobsound springs. If you like it, you could consider upgrading to the Podiums later. My speakers are on butcher block and Nobsound springs, and it’s done wonders for bass, imaging, clarity of highs, and soundstage.


How many of MC’s recommendations have you actually tried? I’ve tried 9 now, working on the 10th, and my modest system sounds shockingly good because of his recommendations. I’m going to post on all of it after I set up the DBA, again following MC’s recommendations. Just got the first sub, I’m going to add one a month to really experience how a DBA affects sound.

Acolyte? Sycophant? You bet, because his ideas work, and work brilliantly, and I know because I’ve tried them myself.

Finally, placebo effect… Here’s the thing… this stuff has delivered amazing sound for myself, my wife, and all of my friends who come listen and are blown away. That’s a pretty dang good placebo effect, I’ll take it!
a bag of concrete mix is 80 lbs. Go to home depot, pick up a bag. It can be on wheels (without wobbly axels) and it ain’t going anywhere by itself. Get two 20 lb bags of something, bird seed, sand, ... stuff is heavier the numbers imply.
Use whatever you need to get placement (take all the time you need), you can then move to superior footings?
Like a trolley to move furniture, just don't leave it under there after it's in it's new home.

And yeah, there's no surprise from me, do try springs. Boing boing!
Will you care? none of us can say.  Will it technically degrade the sound? Absolutely.  It will allow more motion of the entire speaker assembly, which modulates the transducer.  An ideal speaker would have zero motion.  Castors are wheels. With bearings.  Which move.

Consider that some people go to the effort of placing speakers on spikes; and some manufacturers suggest that you fill the stands with shot.

In fact, if it were feasible, the way to overcome the castor problem would be with strategically placed mass so that the (lack of) resistance of the floor thorough the castor would not matter.

But if you need to move them regularly (say, out of the way for use of a living room and out for listening), then the benefit may greatly outweigh the loss.
Happy 4th.
I have iso acoustics GAIA ll footers on my kanta 3 speakers. I’m going to put them on furniture sliders to find the best spot then remove the sliders. Perhaps that would work in your set up. 
Happy listening !