Any combination of words and punctuation is now considered proper. People who are "edumacated" are viewed as "elites" and "snobs" and are thought to be subversives in today’s "I am a whole lot dumber than you are" competition.
I think it is funny. I devoted my life to helping people communicate effectively, but today, a giant gun and a smart phone (guess they sprung full blown from an egg or something) is considered to be all you need to "communicate" with others.
Soon, we will be a two-part country--those with an education like, oh, I don’t know, your DOCTOR, (who is an elitist snob who don’t no nothin’), and everyone else, who are the "real people" on the planet--they "keep it real," you know. No high-highfalutin’ talkin’ ’round here. We gotta get down in the gutter 'cause that’s REAL LIFE, baby.
We deserve whatever climate change, fast food, and stupidity bring us, sorry to say.
Oh, and as we found out during the pandemic, ANYONE can teach, so paying for teachers and schools is dumb. We should shut down all schools and school programs other than those that teach you how to make, steal ,whatever, as much MONEY as possible. Why else are you on the Earth other than to be a billionaire no matter what you have to do? Money is more important than ANYTHING, right?
Happy "Independence Day!"