100 watts enough?

Hi all.  I'm contemplating purchasing a CH Precision A1 and I don't know if it will drive my speakers adequately.  I have EgglestonWorks Andra III speakers which are 88db efficient (impedance 8 ohms nominal, 6 ohms minimal).  I have a 30x20ft  room and I sit about 14ft from the speakers.  I live in a condo and have almost nothing between me and my neighbor so I don't ever crank up the volume.  I use a VAC Renaissance preamp that I almost never crank past 9 o'clock.  The Andra III is a speaker that likes lots of power to open up.  So what do you think?
@unsound I hear you. I’m just basing it the OP suggesting his listening levels are modest. "I don’t ever crank it up". OP hasn’t chimed in to say what exactly those listening levels are in db for a better understanding. Modest levels to me would be mid 60s to mid 70s db C-weighted. In which case he’d be using only small fractions of a single watt.  10 watts gets him 92 db SPL. Well an interesting topic nonetheless. @unsound I appreciate your thoughts.
the OP can leapfrog half of audiogon with purchase and use of a decent SPL meter…..
or better yet RTA w calibrated mic. I would say the CH is going to kick some A

thank you ! the guy who designed the Treo feels same way. To be fair the RM-9 amp also designed by a genius - Roger Modjeski - RIP.

Having said all that my reference system is 1.2 Kw a side….but it’s not a condo…

isnt it wonderful we all have choices
i would be more interested in playing a few key tracks…say for instance a hand clap on a Norah Jones cut….and LISTENING to see IF the amp clips….

When reading all the comments referring to SPL measurements, keep in mind that SPL is referenced at 1m from the speaker, that you are 14 feet (just over 4 meters), and that SPL decreases -6bB for every doubling of distance.  That means that at your listening position, your SPL is about 13 dB lower than at the 1m reading.  BUT, a doubling in wattage only achieves a +3bB increase in volume. So, at your 14 foot listening distance, you will need almost 20 times the watts as needed at 1m.  Also, the more watts your amp has, the more headroom, and that allows the amp to stay within the linear portion of it. ( Depending on design, an amp is only linear for maybe the first 50-75% of it's power rating.  The closer you are to it's rating, the less linear it gets, and ideally, you want to stay in that linear range).  Because of all of this, get as much wattage as you can afford,  The more headroom you have, the better.
charles1dad7,812 posts07-03-2021 8:41pmFrom John Atkinson/Stereophile,

"The EgglestonWorks Andra is moderately sensitive, my estimated 87dB/

Sorry to disagree with 
John Atkinson @ Sterophile
But I will
87db, ~~MODERATELY~~ sensitive??
The TRUTH is
87db = IN-Efficient 
In/UN Effective.
= Blood sucking speakers. 
Below 91db = INefficient/low sensitivity. = all xover box designs Inefficient. 
Lets  be honest around here , would we please.