Clean AC power

The power to my house comes from the pole on the road, then underground to a large box that I assume is a transformer. This supplies power to my house only: there are no other houses within 1000’. Does this mean that I am getting very clean power?
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I forgot about those devices as I'm still hooked up to the old time meters that some poor DWP worker has to schlep around narrow back corridors to get their readings. 

But how better a way to transmit the data back than to use the fields generated by the power lines themselves, adding to all the mess we hear on our AC lines. When you look at it that way, nothing is safe or clean.

All the best,
    OP,   The greasy ’grunge’ that you removed from the breaker clips is called N0-Ox, and is intended to keep the breaker contacts that were covered with it, clean, and free from oxidation. If they were protected, with No-ox, they aren't now. Try try again.
Generally speaking, everyone’s electrical situation is unique, components differ in their resistance to electrical noise, audio systems differ in their transparencies/resolutions/noise floors, and people have different hearing preferences and abilities.  While you may be able to draw some general conclusions, everyone’s situation is unique.

I suggest trying yourself to see if any sonic upticks- seems most folks do.  To save $ find vendors w free trial or buy used and resell if you’re not satisfied.  
An Audioquest Niagara 1200, AQ Edison receptacle, AQ Thunder power cord to amp, and an AQ Z3 power cord from Niagara to the receptacle. Dedicated circuit 12/2 to 20 amp breaker on panel. Relatively low expenditure but good results. Surplus receptacles provided by a Furman pst-8. One and done! All electrical work performed by me...saved $$$.