Listening to digital and analog

Assuming there is a difference in the nature of analog sound compared to digital sound (as I do,) there are different ways of listening to each.  To me, analog is more textured and real sounding, (some, or many  may not agree)  but does that mean it’s not possible to enjoy digital sound?  On the contrary, I must adapt a different way of listening that doesn’t actively compare the two.  If one keeps the analog ideal always in mind, it makes it difficult to appreciate digital music. Therefore I have to block that ideal from my mind and listen to digital on its own terms. It must generate its own reality.  Only then, can I sit back and enjoy.
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@dhite but once you get a reference level phono stage  - and only then digital cannot compete.  Very few people I know own a reference level phono stage.  We just upgraded a Manley Steelhead and stock for $9K not close - once we upgraded (24 newer parts installed) then it was better.  But that is still not reference level compared to the phono stage we build.

I do understand your struggle though.  I went through that many years ago before we began t build our own components.


"It has been a bit of a psychological struggle for me where I was resistant to liking digital.  I have invested so much in vinyl and it takes so much more effort that it didn't seem right to accept digital"

Appreciate your honesty.


"It has been a bit of a psychological struggle for me where I was resistant to liking digital. I have invested so much in vinyl and it takes so much more effort that it didn’t seem right to accept digital"

Appreciate your honesty.

i think this explains most of the negativity re digital from the ’old timers’ tethered to their analog rigs

two things can both be very good, and fully worthy of enjoyment...
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Stop over thinking and enjoy the music. I will take me so music from any source I can. Yes some sound way better but I don’t always have the time and access to my listening room.