New Thread on Steve Hoffman website that says Audiogon sucks

The funny thing is I feel the say way about the Hoffman site. I think it sucks!

"For years I have seen members purged from the rolls, not for posting obscene or indecent posts but rather just taking a moderate, conservative approach, an I feel compelled to offer some resistance to Hoffman’s need to stifle free speech, which is what he has done for many years, so I am the crusader interested in seeing this change after so many years of heavy censorship from him and this Jerry the Gort, who absolutely does not need to be a moderator, I can assure you."

I can’t say that I’ve noticed this, but then I tend to dip in there once in a while or if I’m looking for the sound quality lowdown on a particular album.

In any case perhaps we should cut the host some slack from time to time?

You must admit there are some incredibly knowledgeable posters on that site.

And yes Steve Hoffman is not infallible. I was quite surprised to find that when I side by side compared Steve’s mastering of Nat King Cole Story collection to the box set put out by the Bear Family that I preferred the latter.

Shocking, but true!
I've met Steve Hoffman, and therefore perhaps understand the reason for his view and opinion of some posters on his forum. Anyone who has spoken to Steve---or more to the point, listened to him talk---knows to what I am inferring.  
Could you expand on that a bit.  You have met Steve Hoffman.  As you know the complaint is that he simply does not allow free speech.  It has been said, it's a private web site and he is well within his rights to stop free speech, but he takes lots of donations, donations from people that do have opposing views on various subjects, yet he deletes their posts and bans them from his site.  

What could be right about that?
@constitutionalist You are reading way too much into it. It is hardly some scheme to dupe unwitting conservatives out of their hard earned cash. LOL. You just have to let it go man, what you are looking for apparently is an equal vote on content when no one ever said there was democracy there.

Why does it bother you so? What is it you are trying to say that no one will let you say? 
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