pro-ject cd box rs2 vs jays audio cd2 mk3

I have been following a lot of posts here , but I have not read of any comparisons as of the 2 transports . I am on the fence about the 2 transports as it does not seem that there is to many choices in that price range. I can purchase both transports for about the same price . any body compare them yet or have any other thoughts . thanks
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thank you for the help bigkidz , I read teajays, yours, and others on these different transports I knew the project was better than jays mk2 but no results for the mk3 version. I really was not to keen on nos drives like he uses for maybe a repair down the road. I also look at the weight of the 2 the mk3 is 33 lbs and the project is like 6.6 lbs . the jays mk3 needs a lot of electronics [filters]to compete with a transport with an out board power supply . sometimes simple is better! I will be ordering tomorrow if in stock, he is supposed to let me know as this was a holiday weekend . thanks again for all the replys. 
Another vote for the Pro-Ject.  I just received mine a few days ago from Walter (Underwood HiFi).  No wait at all.  I am very, very happy.  It replaced an Oppo 105 that I was using as a transport.  
he is checking  for me on stock tomorrow . I am looking for silver and he said he just ordered a silver one for somebody that was in stock was it you. how long did it take to receive it after placing the order? and how does it sound??

Which linear power supply are you guys using for your Project? Considering one myself 😁
