While I don't dispute that speakers-- and the right choice to match one's particular taste and complement of components and the room acoustics-- is of primary importance, The choice of amplifier has a HUGE impact on the sound. I have been surprise by how much certain amplifiers seem to elevate the quality of almost every speaker that is attached to that amp. No doubt it has to do with my particular taste, but, it is amazing to me that certain amplifiers will almost always sound good to me with a wide variety of speakers. For me, it is low-powered pushpull 6L6 amps that do the trick (particularly Western Electric 124-type amps).
Likewise, there are certain speakers that seem to be "magically" transformed when coupled to the "right" amp. I have heard speakers that I did not particularly like, become dramatically better sounding when a particular amp replaced another amp of good reputation; synergy is obviously a big factor. I would relegate amp choice to a minor role--to me, the right amp is WAY up there in importance.
Likewise, there are certain speakers that seem to be "magically" transformed when coupled to the "right" amp. I have heard speakers that I did not particularly like, become dramatically better sounding when a particular amp replaced another amp of good reputation; synergy is obviously a big factor. I would relegate amp choice to a minor role--to me, the right amp is WAY up there in importance.