Peter Lederman in Second Bout With COVID-19

I saw on Facebook late last night that Mike Fremer told one of his Audio Friends that he heard from Peter Lederman of Soundsmith that he is suffering his second round with COVID.  Peter said he has blood clots on his lungs. That is all the post said.  Here is hoping that Peter pulls through with a full recovery. 

A couple of points.
First, I happen to be a 40 year registered republican, not that it matters nor is it anyone’s business. You assume I’m from the other side of the aisle because I dont align with your beliefs. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to identify with a republican candidate though. Now, I just vote in the republican primaries hoping to nominate a reasonable candidate, hoping they face off with a reasonable candidate. Then I consistently vote with the person I believe will govern with compassion and honesty.

Second, I certainly didn’t mean to touch a nerve with the tractor pull, Maga, gun show comment. I wouldn’t have thought any of those three activities would align with most reasonable audiophiles.

Finally, you have a decimal place off I believe on your Covid mortality rate. You list it as .18% when it is actually closer to 2%. (600,000 deaths, 30ish million cases). Have you by chance recently switched careers, perhaps auditing voter counts in certain states?
No, actually 0.18% is about the correct mortality rate. Died with is not the same as died of.

So happy for those of you who are actual doctors, thank you for providing a voice of reason.

The rest, well…


yeah, the numbers in the US are horrifying. They speak to how poorly the pandemic was addressed as it hit, and how poorly it was address by the Cheeto in Charge.

Love how words like socialism are bantered about. Perhaps you can share a definition of what that means? Please don’t copy and paste…

Norway, is a socialist country, with one of the highest standards of living in the world, along with some of the greatest freedoms. This was a country that suggested it’s nationals return from the US when Covid hit - due to the substandard medical care available there…


All due respect, Johns Hopkins lists the official death rate at 1.8% 

If you are citing different data by a factor of ten, pleases reference the source.
Humans stopped the Earth from spinning for something that has killed 3 million people when the flu kills between 300 and 500,000 people every single year..

over 3 million and continuing to climb with no end in site unless we slow it down with GULP, vaccines and common sense precautions, a key difference

a couple of points and then I am done with this. First a personal anecdote after I express how bewildered that anyone can in any way equate this to the flu. Everyone I know in my circle of friends that contracted COVID was cavalier at best and outright defiant at worst. Nobody I know who took the recommended precautions got it. Some who did get it are still suffering the after effects 6 months later. That doesn’t happen with the flu.

1. The flu kills a lot less now that we have vaccines
2. The worst flu season on record on the US is about 60,000 dead, we are over 600,000 from the virus and it is pure ignorance to think the number would not have been much higher without masking and the rest. . Downplaying this virus by drawing parallels to the flu is again, pure ignorance.
3. The flu kills in the fall/winter then goes away until the next round. This virus started killing in large numbers in the spring and those numbers continued to climb and climb and climb until they peaked in the US in January when what happened? That’s right, we started vaccinating and now the numbers are dropping where people are vaccinated.
4. Where are the numbers going back up or never declined? In places where people are not vaccinated. We shall see but the new variants promise to start killing the unvaccinated in even greater numbers
5. Heart disease, obesity, and tobacco related deaths are mostly the result of personal choices. Downplaying this virus by drawing parallels to them is again, pure ignorance. Nobody chose to get this virus.
5. it truly is sad that anybody would accuse those on the front lines dealing with this of doing so for monetary gain. No, not sad... sick. It is truly disgusting.

And I am done trying to reason with sick, disgusting people.