It was working before I took it apart

Decided to install an Incognito tonearm rewire kit in my Rega RB220, now I get a skip toward the outside near the inner null point, and only at that point. The table is level, the Ortofon Blue is set at the recommend tracking force, and the cartridge is aligned correctly - basically everything is the same way before I started working on it.  

I have checked the clearance of the ground and signal wires inside the tonearm and to my eye are not interfering with the swing of the arm. Could I have damaged the bearing when I reinstalled the arm?  Maybe overtightened it?  I backed it off to finger tight plus a quarter turn.  I cannot feel a hitch or anything that would suggest a bearing problem when I move it.

Afterwork tonight I going to see if I can pull another 1/4" up into the arm and see if that does it.  After that I'm out of ideas.  Anybody out there self-inflict this particular type of wound?

Just for the heck of it make sure when the cueing lever is down the arm cueing platform is clear of, not touching, the arm for the entire travel "swing of the arm".

Just a thought.

@jea48  has it right i think... rega arms have cueing dampening mechanisms that sometimes don't sink all the way down when they get old...
Yeah, my RB330 came with the cuing platform a little low - stylus would not totally clear the record when raised. Tiny hex set screw, raised it a tiny amount - all fixed. 
Your tonearm wires are binding. Go and watch the origin live video on YouTube....he discusses this. The remedy is to spin the tonearm either clockwise or counter clockwise a turn or two.
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