Questions never stop ever, it seems.

Hello All,  is there any point, any discernable advantage, to go to the hassle of including your subwoofer in the signal path of a bi-wired speaker system? Assuming you have enough connections to pull it off or it's even possible.

As opposed to the more normal thought of using the hi pass filter in the subwoofer by running the signal out from the preamp to the subwoofer then running the subwoofer out to the amplifier.

I don't really see a clear way to do both, bi-wire and use that hi pass filter and maybe even potentially blowing everything into orbit if you connect things wrong. Any opinions or ideas? Thanks.

I am not sure I understand. If I do, then this is the answer.

Subwoofers are powered… so you run a line from the preamp to the subwoofer. You do not want to connect speaker wires to the subwoofer.

If you do not have enough preamp outputs you can use a splitter at the preamp.
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With a powered sub you are actually running a bi-amped system, which in my opinion is better than bi-wiring. If your sub does have a high pass filter (IME most do not) I would do as you have already stated, connect the preamps outs to the sub and then connect the subs high pass outputs to your main speakers amp.