Need definitions of: Dark; Warm; and Bright

Throughout thousands of postings, the descriptive adjectives of dark, warm, and bright are employed.  What does each of them actually mean?  Are these meanings solely subjective, or can they be seen in displays of frequency responses and distortion across an audio spectrum?
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from pg 27:
Critical listening - the practice of evaluating the quality of audio equipment by careful analytical listening - is very different from listening for pleasure. The goal isn't to enjoy the musical experience, but to determine if a system or component sounds good or bad, and which specific characteristics [emphasis in original] of the sound make it good or bad. You want to critically examine what you're hearing so that you can form judgments about the reproduced sound. You can then use this information to evaluate and choose components, and to fine tune a system for greater musical enjoyment.

Just semantics but dark refers to a sound with treble and perhaps some midrange tipped down, warm to sound with an emphasis on midrange, where most music happens and bright is the opposite of dark.