Peter Lederman in Second Bout With COVID-19

I saw on Facebook late last night that Mike Fremer told one of his Audio Friends that he heard from Peter Lederman of Soundsmith that he is suffering his second round with COVID.  Peter said he has blood clots on his lungs. That is all the post said.  Here is hoping that Peter pulls through with a full recovery. 
@devilboy I will try a different tack. You have dug in to your position but I am aware of a number of people who suffer from lingering effects post covid. You know people you believe suffer from post vaccine effects. Never in the history of mankind has there been a larger clinical trial if you want to think of it that way. Take the shot or don't, it's your decision.

(I'm about to insert some sarcastic humor)

Have you considered taking the vaccine but not tell anyone?  That way no one would feel you abandoned them and the cause.  Imagine if you didn't get sick, you didn't assist mutation (which takes place in a host) and you would be assisting the effort to achieve real herd immunity.  You might feel so good that you could join the effort to suppress the vote or deny climate change?

Seriously, I care about you because you have some bad data. I lost my mother before there was a vaccine.  She was in every high risk category but that doesn't mean another dinner together wouldn't have been nice.  All of the reasons you have stated as logical for not taking the vaccine could be said for almost any medicine you have ever taken before without questioning the trial.  Anyone who had a serious Covid case would have gladly traded taking the vaccine (other than a couple on here who have gone all in politically).  Once again, whether you do or don't isn't that big of a deal to me but retrace your last week and I am 100% certain you have put something in your body each day which wouldn't clear the hurdle you have tried to apply to the vaccine.  It's your life, or Peter's life or the life of your loved ones.  
Characterising covid like "a bad flu" dont reveal great understanding... And destroy all other rightful affirmations someone could make alas! Sorry...

And it is more a political bias that is not very inspiring for me....

It seems like in audio thread that life problem cannot be understood by ideology....But only from the perspective of many fields of research....

It seems that peircing the veil of misinformation is very difficult if our blinders are unacknowledged...

It seems that the actual situation CANNOT be understood only by medecine , politic, economy, psychology, ideology, all these fields apart and many other one, sorry....

 Self or external censorship is destruction of human soul....

I am very sad....By all this.... And the actual situation of this world....

Take all care of your health..... inform yourself..... think..... without blinders and think with all the facts and these facts are not visible through only one field....It takes many fields perspective to begin to understand the world where we have entered unconsciously decades ago but consciously only after covid...

My best to all and very respectfully the better health possible....

Couldn’t we have just ended this at human fulfillment?  Such a fitting end if ever there was one. 

Heres the thing.

Opinions are a combination of thoughts and beliefs.

Thoughts are not facts, and beliefs are not truths.

Everyone is equally entitled to their own opinion, however, all opinions are not of equal value.

That is not a thought or belief, that is a fact as well as the truth.
I think Covid could be doing us a favour in taking deniers out of the picture, permanently. As a bonus they spread it to their families and friends.

So get your vaccinations, wear those masks, and let the deniers get mowed down by that which they deny.