What loudspeakers do you have your Primaluna amp paired with?

I would like to see a thread on users experiences. It would make a great knowledge base to hear about choices, comparisons, likes/dislikes, etc.  Have you experience results that one might not expect? For example, loudspeakers costing a fraction of the PL sounding superb or driving lower efficiency speakers pretty well. 
I am looking for a pre owned   L Magnetic  to compare  to the PL  .I may like the LM amp more 
Been reading this old post. I have a PL Dialogue HP integrated. Using the stock tubes.  I have M&K S-1A satellites and an M&K 60 watt sub. I purchased these new in 1982. They are in great shape and sound awesome imho. The system is in a 15x25 living room. Thought I’d post this because I’ve never seen M&K mentioned in Audiogon before.

I auditioned my last two pairs of speakers on PL amps (among others) and thought the EL34 integrated i listened to sounded pretty damn good.
I've heard the PL dialogue premium pre and HP amp driving Vandersteen Treo CTs and it was really, really good.  The dealer also had Audioquest Dragon PCs on both pieces which he said accounted for a lot of the good sound.  I can attest to the effect of the PL stuff however in that setup, because I brought my 'highly regarded' (and more $$) SS integrated amp to try out in the same system and it sounded like crap!  So these electronics and speakers really seem to work well together.