Peter Lederman in Second Bout With COVID-19

I saw on Facebook late last night that Mike Fremer told one of his Audio Friends that he heard from Peter Lederman of Soundsmith that he is suffering his second round with COVID.  Peter said he has blood clots on his lungs. That is all the post said.  Here is hoping that Peter pulls through with a full recovery. 
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As usual, the old saw "The truth lies somewhere in-between" applies.

It is a fact that the mRNA vaccines are being employed on a mass scale without any way of predicting medium, let alone lone-term side effects. It's an experiment without any remote precedent.

It is a fact that the data strongly suggests that some mRNA vaccines pose particular dangers for pregnant women.

It is a fact that the data strongly suggests that in a certain percentage of people (mostly younger) some mRNA vaccines are causing heart inflammation, a condition which typically has very bad, long-term implications.

Beyond those facts, which could reasonably give thoughtful people at least some pause before choosing to be vaccinated with those products, there are other facts that underscore how ignorant it is to crudely divide the issue into two groups (i.e. pro and anti-vax).

When looking at the data, it is known that a fairly high percentage of those who experience the worst outcomes are in poor condition, and/or have co-morbidities, and/or are vitamin D deficient. So those who do not fall into those categories are, broadly speaking, far less likely to have bad outcomes.

Furthermore, we know that exposure to a high viral load is a key to being infected, yet many people continue to engage in reckless behavior, and are obviously therefore at much greater risk of both becoming infected, and spreading the virus, than those who are careful. And this includes those who have been vaccinated!

We know that COVID, like other respiratory viruses, typically enters the body through the nose and mouth, and settles on regions called the nasopharynx and oropharynx, where it reproduces rapidly, and then spreads into the body further. Gargling with an appropriate product reaches the oropharynx and kills such viruses. Yet what percentage of people do readers imagine are gargling as a proactive defense? A very small number, I would surmise.

So, at the very least, those who stress the science, and related, popular wisdom supporting the need for everyone to get vaccinated, should be careful not to lump all of those who may have reservations into a single, damning category.
A damning intelligent and articulated post that spoke all of what are in my mind....

whipsaw for this...

I am very tired of audio thread divided in 2 warring groups...

The 2 groups being totally conditioned and ideologically spinning half truths....Like pro or con "anything" fill the blank....

Any complex situation cannot be understood from ONE field perspective ever...

Then instead of insults we must think together....Or at least alone with ourself....

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I do always remember this phrase:
If you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.
So after gazing into COVID we have made abyss in societies.