any suggestions on what to replace Bluesound Node 2i with

I am doing a major upgrade on my home theater system. I want to upgrade my streamer. I can spend around $4500 if I have to. My dealer played a Lumin T2 and the music, Tidal, sounded amazing. He said I would be okay with the D2 if I wanted to save money
Any one have any experience with the the Lumin's. I am open to other streamers, it does not have to be Lumin. Thanks 
I replaced my Node2 first with a Bryston BDP3, then with a Melco N100.  Both were huge improvements over the Node2.  Otoh, if your Node2 sounds like an ATV to you, perhaps the rest of your system can’t resolve, or your hearing is shot.  Or maybe it’s a Qobuz thing…
Smoke em if you got em.  Personally, the Node 2i works for me.  I like the interface and ease of selecting music.  With my high hearing loss, I doubt I could tell the difference with a $50K streamer.  BUT...if anyone has one lying around and would like me to test - - just PM me and I'll make sure it gets back to you someday.  

Thanks. It's not clear to me, as @jjss49 pointed out, whether a power supply upgrade helps very much is one is *already* bypassing the Node's DAC. Indeed, I would bet it is not worth it.
@Mahler123 I should do an A/B test of Apple Music 24/44 vs  Bluesound Node 2i while listening to Qobuz 24/192 with my teenage daughter. It could be a hearing issue but I doubt it. My system now is outstanding, it will be even better when I do the upgrades on my equipment

At Deer Creek Audio, we think a lot about the importance of simplifying the digital transmission path. In this case of evaluating streamers, we recommend a solution that includes Dirac LIve room correction. This really simplifies the layout and optimizes the path to your final digital to analog conversion.

The miniDSP SHD series combines the Volumio streaming application and Dirac Live in a high definition DSP and DAC platform.

Adding Dirac to the mix is a game changer because of the way Dirac improves not only the system and room frequency response but also the time domain impulse response. The result is superior definition that rivals the sound you would have experienced in the recording studio.

Dirac, when combined with a high definition streamer, may likely be the biggest improvement you’ll experience in your journey as an audiophile.

Here are a couple of independent reviews, one on the miniDSP SHD series in Audio Science Review, and another on Dirac Live from Stereophile.