any suggestions on what to replace Bluesound Node 2i with

I am doing a major upgrade on my home theater system. I want to upgrade my streamer. I can spend around $4500 if I have to. My dealer played a Lumin T2 and the music, Tidal, sounded amazing. He said I would be okay with the D2 if I wanted to save money
Any one have any experience with the the Lumin's. I am open to other streamers, it does not have to be Lumin. Thanks 
I use Auralic G1> Chord Mscaler > Chord Hugo TT2. All Audience AU24-SX cables. Probably my last digital up grade will be Auralic G2.1
@cissado and @galleybob one option to explore would be to use Roon and DSP filters with the Lumin T2, as an alternative to Anthem Room Correction.

My understanding of ARC, based on Anthem's online documentation, is that you would be able to replicate the functionality using one or more of Roon's PEQ, Convolution, and Speaker filters. However you would need to perform the measurements and calculate the desired filter parameters yourself using something like Room EQ Wizard and a measurement microphone.
@jjss49 - looking at your profile, I’m assuming you use the Morpheus for your primary dac. Just curious, is that night and day better than the dac in the hegel h160? Does the h160 have the most recent of hegel’s dac’s, do you know? Thanks. 
Only one choice withinn your budget. The dCS network bridge.

Software clunky compared to Bluesound, but SQ heavenly.  Depth, detail, presence, musicality.   It is currently a legacy product as the manufacturer's stated objective with the NB was to create an upgrade path to current spec for all its other legacy products, which I believe is done now. 

Because legacy, you may be able to source at a discount.