The most meaningless, ridiculous and all out absurd is to try and equate
a difference heard as a percentage! A poster might say the new speaker
cables were 8 to 10% better or the upgraded DAC sounded 15% more
detailed. Really.
I think this is bandied about to appear very astute and able to accurately discern to the n'th degree the difference. Nuts.
'gears', puleeze. To say "I'm gonna buy some new gears" is just wrong.
It's quite acceptable to say for instance "You're welcome to come over
for a listen to my gear"
And while in gripe mode it is
astonishing that most people get 'then and than' mixed up. In
conversation your meaning will get across but when written down just
appears as dumb.
Then: has to do with Time
Than: has to do with Comparison