Thin Walled Speakers -Tonian, Musical Affairs, etc

It seems that a few speaker makers are using the thin walled, lightweight, less damping approach to building. For example Tonian, Musical Affairs and some others.

And I've read some very positive reviews of such speakers. I can see how they would sound unreal with vocals, acoustic instruments etc. But how do they sound with other more spectrally complex music- lets say rock. Do they turn to sonic mud?

I'd be curious to hear feedback from anyone who actually owns or has heard such speakers.

To me, this is one of the more interesting speaker design issues. That two opposite approaches - eliminating vs controlling/incorporating cabinet resonance - can both work if optimized. For example, Audio Note uses cabinet resonance to its advantage - like the body of a stringed instrument. I believe that Living Voice does as well, but perhaps not to the same extent.
Nonoise- thanks for your account. People seem to love the TL-D1, and I am very interested myself.
Tnt-audio had a nice review, but their musical material was:

Chesky Jazz and Audiophile tests Vol2; Arthur Rubenstein - Fryderyk Chopin; Ustad Shahid Parvez; Live in Toronto; and Stan Getz and Joao Gilberto.

All good music, but c'mon! It makes these speakers sound like old man speakers. No offense to anyone ;)
I AM offended you whippersnapper.. and I hope this gets your Underoos all in a bunch!!
But seriously, I had the nice opportunity to listen to Musical Affairs Grand Crescendo for two hours. Powered by a Leben CS-300X. We worked up to some very heavy dynamic Classical music, and they handled it with no problem!
I did really like them.

None taken :).
There was a time, albeit short, when I listened to some Queens of the Stone Age,
Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson to see how they fared and they acquitted themselves quite favorably. In fact, I was surprised at how good they sounded as I now listened to them from a different perspective than from my old Legacy Classics, which can rock with the best of them.
The Tonians do so many things so well that I can easily overlook their lack of bombastic like portrayal ability from heavily reworked studio fare. All one has to do is listen to some 'live' rock on these Tonians and you can easily be swayed into buying a pair.

All the best,
A highly resonated cabinet adds coloration's but also allows transducers to vibrate excessively this plus added coloration's can effect ability to image at higher volume levels since higher SPL causes increase in vibration and coloration's due to cabinet resonance that only increase with level.