Advice for upgrading my system

I have been on Audiogon for about 6 months and I enjoy the expertise and reading the conversations. I am hoping to receive guidance to upgrade my 2 channel stereo.

I am now ready to upgrade and I have budgeted $30k to do so.

My current system is the following:

McIntosh MA 6600
McIntosh MP 100 Phono Preamp
Marantz super audio CD Player SA-11S2
Micro SeikiDD-40 Turntable
Denon DL 103D Cartridge
2-Monitor Audio PL - 100 speakers
1-Velodyne HGS12BGII Subwoofer
Sonos for DAC

My room has been acoustically treated in the
walls and ceiling by a company that specializes in this. 

I primarily listen to jazz, classical, and 70’s music.

Room dimensions are:
  ⁃ 30’ 6” long
  ⁃ 14’ 6” Wide for the first 12’ 4“ of the length and then
  ⁃ 10’ 4” Wide for the last 18’ 2” of the length

I consider the main listening area to be the 14’6” x 12’4” section.

I am looking forward to hearing your feedback. Btw, I live in Denver Colorado.

First, your TT, don’t dismiss it too easily, people like it’s arm, I found this about it:

"I have a review of the DD40, from a series of brief tests of a range of "Super Turntables". These were tested in the late 70’s - not sure of the exact date, but it was either 1977 or 78.

ADC Accutrac 4000 Rumble -38dB unweighted, wow&flutter 0.065% WRMS, platter resonance poor
Denon DP-1700 -39.5dB, 0.05%, platter resonance fair
Hitachi HT-840 -43.5dB, 0.046%, platter resonance poor
JVC QL-7 -41.5dB 0.045%, platter resonance fair
Linn Sondek LP12 -58dB, 0.03% platter resonance excellent
Luxman PD-131 -45.5dB, 0.042%, platter resonance very good
Marantz 6300 -43dB, 0.06%, platter resonance good
Micro Seiki DD-40 -42dB, 0.055%, platter resonance excellent
Mitsubishi DPEC-1 -40dB, 0.045%, platter resonance fair
Pioneer PL-550 -42dB, 0.048%, platter resonance poor
Technics SP-10 -46.5dB, 0.04%, platter resonance very good

The Micro Seiki DD-40 was about the level of a Rega Planar 3 for rumble, and slightly better for wow and flutter.


The tonearm resonance for the DD-40 with a Denon DL-103 was almost perfect - about 9Hz, and only a 4dB peak, which is excellent.

By the same magazine, the 1981 test of the Technics SL-1200MkII gave the following figures:
rumble -36dB, wow and flutter 0.04% weighted peak (no mention of platter resonance, but it probably isn’t as good as the Technics SP-10). Note that the wow and flutter test for the SL-1200 was tested to the world standard that came in for the 1980’s (peak weighted), and so can’t be compared to the earlier figures, but it was excellent, and probably better than many in that test. It wasn’t as good as any of the others for rumble, although as many of the others were higher priced, that’s not surprising. It was about the same as the Rega Planar 2 for rumble, and was very slightly cheaper."

Meanwhile, re-read the Linn Sondek LP-12 results, outstanding.

Not sure how the specs compare to actual tests, and what measurement standards were used, my JVC TT81 Quartz Locked DD specs: Wow and flutter: 0.025% WRMS; Rumble: 63dB; Speed deviation: within 0.002%

What results do high end TT’s get these 40+ years later?

The first thing I would start with is the speakers, Monitor Audio is a great company but with $30,000 to shop with, you can do better. I would suggest something from B&W or Martin Logan, Sonus Farber just to name a few. Having a better source for digital and analog would help tremendously, dump the Sonos for a Aurender or Bluesound music server. Keep the TT and change the cartridge, the Denon DL103 is a great cartridge but its round stylus shape and heavy compliance make it rather pedestrian sounding. Lastly the Subwoofer would be a great place to upgrade, I mutch prefer the REL subs for they connect directly to the amps outputs and blend very well with the main speakers. Have fun! and remember things will only get more sensitive and having high quality source material will matter even more! whether its Digital files or Original great sounding vinyl.

Matt M
Two great suggestions. Thank you for taking the time to share your advice. I like the TT, I will look into the the cartridge, sub,
dac and the speakers. So far I am leaning towards the Sonos.