Best Sounding Speaker Cables?

Cardas Clear, Nordost Frey 2, Clarus Crimson? Strengths? 
There is no best. 

All one can hope to attain is reasonable compatibility between system components that interfere minimally with the music.

@andy2 - show me the science, real not pseudo, and math proving LCR is dynamic to the level it impacts musical program.
Ghdprentice, did you read ALL the articles in ALL the links available? If I remember correctly, Shunyata, AudioQuest, QED and, possibly, other speaker cables were used in the testing & measurements articles via the many links. I wouldn't call those cheap speaker cables, especially Shunyata. These are all fine cables, indeed! That being said, I tend to agree with your general observations of 7-11-21. We are talking about extremely fine and subtle nuances here. If spending two thousand, five thousand or more dollars on speaker cables (or anything else, for that matter) floats your boat then, by all means, go for it! However, I couldn't agree less with your pompous, dismissive conclusion that the information put forth in the sum total of ALL those articles is "of no value to someone serious about high quality sound reproduction". "The more that you read, the more things you will know" (Dr. Seuss). Of course, as so called audiophiles, there's no substitute for critical listening. A little (or a lot) of reading & preparation in this regard doesn't hurt. Most high-end shops I've frequented have demo cables they are more than happy to let you borrow for your own proper auditions at home.

Boy! There's nothing like a thread on speaker cables to bring out the sanctimony and incivility of some audiophiles! Release the trolls!
LCR is dynamic to the level it impacts musical program.
I am not sure what you meant.  But inductors and capacitors can become non-linear if the applied stimulus will exceed the rating parameters.