@oldaudiophile... I scanned the article. Yes, I saw that they listened to some high end cables... they used Krell equipment. I also noted the source of the article.
While I try and remain patient and just highlight positive things. This kind of BS reporting really irritates me. It is the kind of thing that is published in popular press. I have the highest regard for the NYT but this kind of stuff is irresponsible.
The differences in cords and cables are easily discernible. The very first high end cable I listened to over 45 years ago made itself instantly obvious. If you want to do a review... then you need to become familiar with the lay of the land of people that can tell, language and values as they apply to music. Then you can present a balanced view... the relatively small differences have a significant impact on the overall musical presentation. This is just more justification why the ignorant masses are really smart in their ignorance and values.