What is the most important component to consider while building a new system?

I recently viewed a You Tube video featuring Paul McGowan from PS Audio discussing the most important component when building a new system. I love Paul's video's and feel they bring a personalized touch to the discussions of all things audio. In the video mentioned Paul took a generalized approach in stating the speakers were the most important component to consider and that the relevant importance of each successive component rested in the chain down stream of the speakers. I am writing this to humbly disagree. I am in the mist of building a new system from scratch over the past 9 months. It has been my experience that if proper care is taken to the quality of the amp. pre-amp. and cables (with an emphasis on cables) you can get away with relatively inexpensive speakers that sound better than they have a right to. This is my own opinion based on recent experiences.
Garbage in, garbage out. Assuming relatively decent speakers, every improvement from source to amps will allow the speakers to reproduce the music with increasing accuracy.
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Speakers for me.  Never buy an amp and then try to match speakers to it.   Then if you get WAF, room acoustics.
Every link in chain is important, so in a way I can't say any single component is most important. And yes, the room should be considered as a component! Having said that, over many years and many component changes I've come to believe the preamp may be the most important component. I consider it the 'heart' of the system, distributing the signal is like the heart distributing blood to the body, without properly operating heart the body suffers.
In general I’d have to agree with McGowan about speakers being the most impactful and thus most important on an absolute basis, but that said I’d hate to pair expensive electronics with cheap speakers or vice versa. Seems kinda silly either way to me. Better to build a balanced system that synergizes to your tastes with no glaring weak links. I will say this is the first time I’ve ever heard anyone say they’d emphasize cables — good luck with that, um, interesting strategy.