After nearly throwing the LYRA DELOS in the garbage, a swap out of phono preamps have vindicated this fine cartridge.  The BAT VK P12 phono preamp has transformed the LYRA into a game changer. I retract all previous statements about this Cartridge other than it I do believe it sounds best with tubes or EXTREMELY high end solid state with FET's. Music now floats effortlessly without grain, without harshness and full of detail.  The Lyra tracks beautifully and is nearly as quiet as digital( no clicks and pops). 
Well expectation are high, and your money's spent, BUT it sounds BAD.. 
I hate when that happens. Then I remember to turn something on, plug in a connection a little better or tighten a ground connection.

Magic.. mean time, you cussed out the mailperson for the mail being delivered to the wrong address and tried to bite them. Of course the pepper spray brought you right to your senses though..

Heel boy, Heel!! :-)

@daveyf If you have followed any of the threads started by Mr. Vegas you will see a trend towards insults and slander towards anyone with an opinion contrary to his. This is nothing new. It sometimes appears as though he  is not well and has a bi-polar condition.

Nothing new to see here………
So you’re not looking for a NEW $5k MM cartridge anymore after you claimed "MC’s are COMPLETELY overrated" and then "I hope some designer builds a balls to the wall Moving Magnet. Like a 5k dollar moving magnet. I’ll buy it. " ???

Even after J.Carr himself informed us several years ago about new Japanese MM Coreless straight-flux cartridges Suzaku and Seiryu.

Now when you’re in love again with your Lyra (such a happy end) you could consider J.Carr’s recommendations more seriously (for an alternative MM at $15k :)

Unfortunately we have not heard yet about any user of Suzaku (Red Sparrow) or Seiryu (Blue Dragon) cartridges here on audiogon.

Many Japanese cartridges are unknown in the USA. 

"The BAT VK P12 phono preamp has transformed the LYRA into a game changer."

For $8K or whatever the current MSRP is, it better. Your original post was suspect to me. I thought "what is the phono pre?"

Get the SE upgrade if you don't already have it. Just another $3K?!