Transport needed !

     Hey all ! Im totally stoked, i just aquired a Parasound HINT6 ! I have a 30yr old pair of MartinLogan Sequels. So i start by hooking up my Bluesound Node2, analog out. I use Tidal and the sound is soooooooo good. Since this little digital machine sounded so good i thought what the hell get a transport for CD’s
       I know theres budgets for everything lets say 300-350. I would like to tryout the onboard dac, 
  • ESS Sabre32 Reference DAC (ES9018K2M)
  Im still reading about it…..

any suggestions ????
“So i start by hooking up my Bluesound Node2, analog out. I use Tidal and the sound is soooooooo good.”

OP, first try digital (COAX) out from Node2 into HINT6 instead of its analog out. You may be pleasantly surprised by jump in SQ. If you like what you hear, then go for a CD player.
I second "chayro" suggestion. From my experience: used Arcam CD192 as transport, tried Denon DVD 5910 as transport, none of them sounded as good as Cambridge CXC paired with Denafrips Ares II.
Just saying.
Another vote for the Cambridge in the price range that you want to stay in. It certainly will give you better SQ and performance than a $26 JVC dvd player despite what the bits are bits guy has to say
Better off just selling the Node and getting a Vault that you can load your CDs into, ditch the transport altogether, and have access to all your music from one device without leaving your chair. And when you want more, just buy a better DAC. Personally, I’ll never buy another transport ever again, and just the thought of that makes me happy. FWIW and best of luck.