Jadis J-2

These seem to come up for sale every year or two, and there's a pair out there now listed way above the low water mark. I'm asking about them because aesthetically, they're perfect (de gustibus non disputandum est) for my space.

My questions are two.
1. Has anyone heard these things? I gather completely different than the J-1 and the Eurythmie, so those comparisons won't be too illuminating.
2. Is it completely insane to buy decades-old speakers, that themselves had only a modest following, that were always limited in US distribution, from a company that made speakers only briefly as a sideline, with a small surviving office in France?
2b. Should something go wrong with them, how does one get them fixed? 
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2. Is it completely insane to buy decades-old speakers,

Technolgy has moved onwards and upwards.
For this  budget I'd suggest you consider  Voxativ and AER single band drivers.  Both labs have build on  the old Fostex/Lowther ideas and have made stunning success.
AS I always say, 
**New is not alays better**
 That can be read  in 2 ways.
New, as in xover designs(excluding some of Troels Gravesen's designs, as very competitive with the new AER/Voxativ) , vs the old technology from the 1920's. 
(= new not better vs the old)
The 2nd meaning is  ,,,New wide bands are in fact superior to the old wide band full range. 
In general the new wide band outshoots most every single xover speaker past 50 years in the midrange.
But in general the Troels top line competes with AER/Voxativ. 
At least this is how i add things up, Won'y know til I acutally hear a  Voxativ. 
Then i will know one way or the other about 
Troels vs new wide band.
Which will outshoot the other in the 500hz -4k hz.
My bet goes wide bands out performing the Seas. 
As I already have the Seas Thor, which is nearly iddentical to Troels top speaker from Seas , his CNO 25 Mark2. 

2. Is it completely insane to buy decades-old speakers,
No. As long as they're good. Mine are original matched pair consecutive Quad ESLs.