Buying used vs new?

Chance to buy a preamp used at half price.  Its been used for several years.  Seems a good thing. Worth doing?
There's an old joke: Why did God create Gentiles? Answer; Because someone has to pay retail! Well, I don't like paying retail so used it is. Once in a while, I've gotten lucky by owning the gear for several years and then selling it for what I paid. Who can argue with that? Joe
All of my equipment is used or floor model.

I had a guest over for the first time last night who is a professional classical musician/composer and leads a jazz ensemble and is also a recording engineer. He is my age (translation: an old dude).

He said that my system is the best home audio system he has ever heard.

And, I don't use expensive cables or speaker (not lamp wire, standard entry level Monster) wire.
Haven't bought anything significant new for decades. You can buy used (carefully) and save a huge amount of money - at least half.

Ask yourself - do you want to own a system with a total new cost of $100K some day?  Would you rather have it today for $25K or wait 20 years until you can afford to write that big cheque?
Since the internet and the used audio market were invented I’ve always bought used. I’ve bought one dac and one integrated tube amp new in 26 years. The list has been many preamps, many amps, CD players, 3 turntables, countless  loudspeakers all Martin Logans and open baffle speakers. I’ve never had an item break or arrived damaged. Good luck? 
Got tired of trying to read every reply. But I'd agree with 2/3 of the thread I read and add one caveat. Have you heard it in your system? Have you read reports of it working positively with your amp? If not, even at half price it will be a crap shoot. Not every preamp works with every amp. System synergy is of utmost importance.