What are the current useless terms in this "audio world"

Throughout the history of marketing of all kinds of consumer goods there have been many useless, hyperbole phrases and words used.  It seems on ebay, here, craigslist and others a current pet of Sellers is taking something to "the next level"....  which sounds like a great marketing term for an elevator maker.   

"parentheses" - or brackets,  my use of these on the words "Audio World" was and is the sarcasm I meant 
Tube watts, unequivocally "the best" in high end, are not warm sounding but natural as scientifically determined in a God smackingly double-blind testing shootout. Try it you'll like it. With a full loom. 

I am clearly on a roll here and so-
It seems on ebay, here, craigslist and others a current pet of Sellers is taking something to "the next level" 
Pretty sure Sellers pet is a parrot. 

Yes. Definitely a parrot.   
 "I would much rather they compare the velocity of a tweeter's diaphragm with an unladen swallow."

Would that be an African swallow or a European swallow?
My fear is that the Swallow being referred to is the common Barn Swallow.....what an "8-track" of birds.......

barn swallow - Google Search
Don’t be silly. Everyone knows its an unladen swallow. The only question is African or European?   