I want to get back to playing and enjoying my 500+ cd's!  Been listening 95% of the time to a nice high end turntable $15k+ setup but would also like to have the option of listening to my cd collection to where it sounds at least competitive with my vinyl enjoyment.

I have no interest in streaming just playing cd's.   Does it make more sense to go with a cdp or transport and separate dac?

Budget $5 - $15k.  Thoughts
I use a Mojo Audio EVO DAC (base version) r2r design with a SimAudio 260DT (transport only version) . To my ears very engaging sound.

For what it is worth I had the Cambridge transport in my system prior to getting the Mojo and while it was a pretty good match with the EVO moving up to the SimAudio gave more body and weight to the music . I’d recommend getting a transport that is more commensurate with the DAC of your choosing- YMMV
My Audio Note Dac may be the best purchase I’ve made for my system. I have a DAC2.1x Signature which I had upgraded by an authorised service specialist.
It's paired with a PS Audio PWT transport.

Sublime sonics, smooth, with outstanding realism. 

With your budget, you should be looking at a Level 3 or 4 (used) Dac.

@bobheinatz I run an Audio Note Dac-3 Signature, an older mid-90s version, recently upgraded the output caps and it sounds fantastic. The current crop of AN Dacs sound great and for a lot of us the AN's are an end of game Dac they just sound like music.
Seems to me you'll have greater flexibility in terms of pleasing your ears if you go with separates.  DACs can vary enormously in their presentation. 
John Darko once used a "cake" analogy, contrasting those who prefer to "taste cake" to those who prefer to "taste flour, sugar, butter and eggs". 

If you're used to vinyl, you may find a good many DACs are too clinical in terms of breaking the music down into its constituent "ingredients". . . or, you may find their ultra-resolution very exciting. Who knows? You'll have to demo some and see. If you know you prefer to "taste cake", I'd second the R2R recommendation.   

BTW; like two other posters, here, I use the Moon 260DT (transport version).