Can anyone recommend a smooth, rich CD player?

Yikes! Hyper detail is what I have..would like midrange warmth yet do not want rounded bass notes, detailed but not so analytical...I want my music back! help! $1000 used + -
Already have owned a Jolida
Shoe, I'm curious as to your impressions of the Jolida in your system. Are you looking for something in between the hyper detail you now have and the Jolida?
If you can locate a used Sony DVP-NS900V send it off to TRL for their standard mod package and for about $1000 or so dollars you'll have exactly what you are looking for.

Otherwise, if your existing CDP has a good transport, try a non-os DAC like the Audio Mirror (many other good one out there as well) which including a real nice digital cables will set you back about $900.
Audio Aero Prima MKII with the new Sony transport. Used may be a few hundred more than your specified figure.