I have used 14g two conductor low voltage (for outside lights) copper wire from Lowes and Home Depot for the last 20 years and have never even thought of upgrading speaker cables. The only changes ever made had been to compensate for length for speaker movement in different rooms and homes.After reading these discussion columns for the last several years, I began to wonder if, 1. more expensive speaker cables can improve my sound, and 2. if more expensive interconnects (than the flimsy red/white freebie type cables) can improve my sound.My very limited experience has been that the more elaborate and expensive speaker cable did nothing that was audible to me, altho' the banana plug "pigtail" that I had made facilitated switching between systems on my pair of speakers.However the interconnects, at first try, practically eliminated/veiled the higher frequencies. The second try was the opposite, in that they were extremely bright. So I went back to the bag full of cheap interconnects that I have accumulated and again am quite happy with my sound.My conclusion is that what your ears tell you is the truth that you want to listen to.In my narrow mind, anyone that pays 3,000 never mind 30,000 for a piece of wire needs therapy. Much like the difference between a Camry and a Corvette, both do the same thing i.e., move you from one place to another.But OMG, doesn't it make you "feel" better in the Corvette?