Using step up / down transformers?

Is there any sonic or functional detriment to using a step up or step down transformer to run a Japanese or European amplifier at North American voltages? If not, doing this would open up a lot of opportunities...
No problems! Get one with enough current/amps rating for the device! EBay has plenty available! Along with foreign AC plug adaptors.
I'm using a 120/100v transformer for my JVC TT81.

I got a decent quality, not too expensive, small transformer, to make it easier to locate it behind the TT away from other devices.
There's a reason transformers are the heart of many power conditioners: they just naturally filter RFI. So not only is there no detriment, there is a benefit.
Nope.  As others have written though, make sure to size the transformer appropriately or oversized. :)

Not too much oversized though.  30% more VA than you need is a good amount.