Horn speakers , high efficiency but not “shouty”

I am interested in a high efficiency horn with SET AMPS, in a 12 ft by 18 ft room. 9 ft ceiling .
I have narrowed my choices down to Charney audio Excalibur http://charneyaudio.com/the-companion-excalibur.html
and rethm maarga v2
would appreciate input from any one who has heard the above speakers or someone who has a similar system . 
listening choices are vocal music , no classical music.
Very rarely might want my system to play loud party music .(extremely rare ) does not have to play it like solid state system. Thanks in advance 

I hear shouty just as atmasphere describes it. In stock form my circa mid-late 80's Klipschorns certainly had it, one major infraction was the K-401 mid horn. Exponential horn, metal, rang like a bell, bad throat design, etc. I could have never lived with those mids, timbre anomalies I would describe as shouty. My replacement Volti tractrix horns were one of the most important upgrades I made to Klipschorns, although further improvements were necessary to get natural timbre throughout frequency spectrum. Quite an experience how my Klipshcorns evolved with each modification, so many components amenable to upgrades! And yes, increased loudness shouldn't cause a single bit more stridency, hard to do with horns.

It seems many don't like horn speakers, I get it, but one bad experience doesn't make for an overarching conclusion. Proper horn loudspeaker design and execution, proper room treatments and sympathetic system matching can bring an illusion of live performers in room that's intoxicating. I've been through many types of speakers in over thirty years as audiophile, these Klipschorns have required the most involved system building and modifications yet, ocd has been required. My Klipschorns expose everything, such great efficiency, absolutely requires even a single watt of signal boost to be high quality, every link in audio chain must be optimized.
It seems many don't like horn speakers, I get it, but one bad experience doesn't make for an overarching conclusion. Proper horn loudspeaker design and execution, proper room treatments and sympathetic system matching can bring an illusion of live performers in room that's intoxicating

I'm sold on horns as best speaker in full orchestra, 
No doubt, But some of us have limitations,
cash and room size. I'm limited in both areas.
Horns will have to wait  as a  distant project, ~~My last speaker~~
I'm convinced horns is the answer to high fidelity. 

Horns, good, better or best just have a different way of presenting music than direct radiating drivers or panel speakers. They all have their charms. I really connected with horn presentation the first time I heard Khorns.
I can surely understand those who feel differently, or those who value ruler flat measurements. The only invalid opinion is the opinion of someone who hasn't really given them a try and believes a negative opinion without self-verification.
2 weeks after I got my horns and tubes, they have burned in for over 300 hrs.
I have been working on room placement with help of Brian Charney the designer , and art noxon and jordon Goulette of asc . We have traded pics , done articulation and frequency sweeps in room and analysed them .
also have ordered better tubes than stock tubes from andy , of vintage tubes .
my experience to date .
the tubes and horn combination is “dirty “ hopefully the newer tubes will better it .
there is not much deep powerful bass. The vocals are little peaked.
this is in comparison to my ayre , magico Jl audio system tweaked to the nth with room treatment etc . Eg. Listened to Steve Earle at 85 db thru my tubes sounded loud and I had to turn it down . Now listening at 95db thru my ayre, magico and it’s so clean ,  I want to play it even louder lol . 
Excuse me if you have already answered this question, but did you listen to these speakers before you bought them? I'm wondering because full range back loaded speakers have a specific type of sound, and it seems from what you wrote in your last post that you were overall satisfied with your Magico setup.
What were you looking for when you made the change?