Golden Lyon KT88s. 4-6000 hours
12AX7, 12AZ7, very close. Golden Lyons, Tellies, RCAs (if you can afford and find them) or if you want a sharper edgy valve, PSVANE
all over 5000 up to 7-8000 hours.
They last a LONG time in a new Mac for sure. I have a GG with 15000 hours, I did lose an original power valve within the first 1000 hours.. It was a made in China valve. It said Mcintosh on the side.. LOL it was probably a JJ.
I have Solvex in there now, wonderful valve for the money.
I paid about 75-80 per quad in bulk. 15% failure, no kidding out of the box or within 50 hours.. After they were burned in (and didn't BLOW up).. Just like any other valve.. 5-10000 hours
A quad of Solvex is 125-175.00 close
12AX7, 12AZ7, very close. Golden Lyons, Tellies, RCAs (if you can afford and find them) or if you want a sharper edgy valve, PSVANE
all over 5000 up to 7-8000 hours.
They last a LONG time in a new Mac for sure. I have a GG with 15000 hours, I did lose an original power valve within the first 1000 hours.. It was a made in China valve. It said Mcintosh on the side.. LOL it was probably a JJ.
I have Solvex in there now, wonderful valve for the money.
I paid about 75-80 per quad in bulk. 15% failure, no kidding out of the box or within 50 hours.. After they were burned in (and didn't BLOW up).. Just like any other valve.. 5-10000 hours
A quad of Solvex is 125-175.00 close