@bache , good enough? Not if you are trying to reproduce the live experience. With 40 Hz and under missing you are just listening to a HiFi.
Many people have noticed something special when they add a subwoofer to their system and have remarked about it here. It seems to add more than just bass. People say things like it adds "air" or makes "everything else sound better." You can only hear at best down to 16 Hz. But you can feel right down to 1Hz if the pressure is high enough (that would be an explosion). Anybody who has been in the presence of a large pipe organ will tell you it is like the hand of god shaking you, an incredible experience. For those of you who have not heard (felt) one there is a list of the largest pipe organs in the world. Find the largest one near you and attend a concert. It will blow all your fuses.
Many people have noticed something special when they add a subwoofer to their system and have remarked about it here. It seems to add more than just bass. People say things like it adds "air" or makes "everything else sound better." You can only hear at best down to 16 Hz. But you can feel right down to 1Hz if the pressure is high enough (that would be an explosion). Anybody who has been in the presence of a large pipe organ will tell you it is like the hand of god shaking you, an incredible experience. For those of you who have not heard (felt) one there is a list of the largest pipe organs in the world. Find the largest one near you and attend a concert. It will blow all your fuses.