Best Sounding Speaker Cables?

Cardas Clear, Nordost Frey 2, Clarus Crimson? Strengths? 

I suppose obsessing about wire would be a bit silly. But the often substantial effect on sound quality of cables and interconnects is pretty counterintuitive. So folks that thought it silly and then hear the difference are likely to be vocal and somewhat evangelistic about it. I remember my first jaw dropping experience. So I guess it is not surprising some people come off as obsessed. Cables, interconnects, placement, and treatments are the bread and butter of creating a great audio system. Without them only a good to very system would be possible.

Why aren’t there more technical articles on the subject? Well I suspect because it involves so many variables that it becomes very esoteric very quickly. You have the complexity of describing the nuances of sound reproduction, the many different variables of the wire, input devices, output devices… it quickly simply becomes more effective and efficient to describe instead of attribute. The lack of technical articles is not just here, but also in all high end periodicals. It’s been that way for 50 years and pretty sure it will continue that way for another fifty.
All this Storm & Drang re:varied cables, and which are best. Yet, ‘wireless’ cables, ie usb seem on the ascendant, how come?
Hello, I had the good fortune to AB 3 speaker cable brands all within a price range of 500-1,000 USD for 7.5 ft length. Kimber Cable12TC, Nordost Bue Heaven and Cardas Parsec. I did use any measuring tools so my "analysis" (also a great cable mfr) is purely anecdotal and subjective (how do I respond to to the music). Kimber Cable was overkill for my modest system (Hegel H90, Bluesound Node 2i and Focal Electra 1080 BE (bought new in 2018). Focal's are not difficult to drive. 
Nordost Blue Heaven sounded a bit technical in the high end and did not seem to reach down to the lows as far as the the Cardas Parsec did. I went with the Cardas cable and coudn't be happier. As they became more aquainted with my components, the sound opened up. I would say they were the most neutral with a bit of warmth that interacted well with the glorious warmth of the Hegel, and spectacular highs of the Beryllium tweeter. The soundstage is, as you would expect with Bookshelf speakers, very accurate. I have the Focals sitting on top of ruggedly elegant and highly functional (and pricet), Sound Anchor stands which enhances the bass response substantially.  Good luck choosing!!  

good post... i totally concur with your findings, based on my own experience with the three cables you tried

your system is also an excellent example of an excellent system, at a very smart point of the value curve -- outstanding performance at a sensible price -- much much sonic pleasure for $$ spent
