I want to get back to playing and enjoying my 500+ cd's!  Been listening 95% of the time to a nice high end turntable $15k+ setup but would also like to have the option of listening to my cd collection to where it sounds at least competitive with my vinyl enjoyment.

I have no interest in streaming just playing cd's.   Does it make more sense to go with a cdp or transport and separate dac?

Budget $5 - $15k.  Thoughts
melm...Some cd players today do support streaming..with digital in’s and out’ my Luxman. Not as archaic as you think.

Good point… perhaps that is not as well known as I thought. I assumed at this point most high end companies have positioned their CD players to be DAC / CD players. When I bought a Sim Moon 650D about ten years ago it was advertised as a DAC with a transport. As I have pointed out elsewhere, I use my ARC CD9se as a DAC and seldom use the transport. I haven’t done a lot of research on other CD players. But I would think anyone in the market for a CD player are auditioning it as a DAC as well. A CD player is a one box mechanical transport, dedicated streamer and DAC.
Yes, of course. My Oppo 105 has had streaming for a long long time. But the question for me is always SQ, just like whether reading data off a CD or off an HD yields better SQ. Will the combo unit stream as well as a dedicated streamer--always remembering that the quality of the bits delivered to the DAC matters.

What I meant to say was obsolete was the use of disk readers, except for ripping.
I’d go with “georgehifi” and “melm” - rip your cd’s to FLAC files on a solid state drive (not hard drive) and play via a good streamer to an R2R dac like Holo Audio, Denafrips, AGD, Yggdrasil, or the bargain MHDT. 
I use the Bryston BDP-2 to the Yggy - and never look back! Can’t beat the sound or the convenience.
I listen to cheaper vinyl rig rega RP8 with apheta MC... But now get same enjoyment from cd listening to pro-ject rs2 cd box transport £2k with chord qutest DAC (which I had already for streamer) ... Although the pro-ject DAC allows IS2 hdmi Connection.
Other makes I looked at but. V expensive in UK were Cec

I like the pro-ject as top loading but sound is amazing