Anyone have experience with the new ELAC DDP-2?

I've been seeing tiny bits of news about the ELAC DDP-2 streaming DAC since early last year and only recently has it become available online at a few retailers.  However, there isn't a single review of it that I can find anywhere.  With previous Audio Alchemy products getting great reviews, I can assume a certain level of quality nearly enough to go out on a limb and buy it for a 30-day trial, but I wanted to see if anyone has already taken that leap of faith.

From what I've read it combines the external DC power supply of the DDP-1 internally and uses AKM DACs in a balanced setup with onboard DSD and MQA decoding, upsampling, Spotify Connect and Roon and a headphone amp.

I am expecting shipment of this unit tomorrow and after many hours of reading and research there is actually very little out there that helps a noob like myself.

I'm comfortable enough with spec at this price point and don't need further discussion regarding how the DDP - 2 compares to other similar devices.

My struggle is with a feature offered that ELAC refers to as a fixed gain output which can be used in a home theater application. I only use stereo for my home theater because it is in the same room as my listening room, and really, I'm okay with watching movies in stereo when the volume is turned up. I'm excited about stepping up to a component for music listening and have no issue understanding connection between the components for that.

Where I keep spinning is integrating with my current AVR. As stated I listen in stereo so am currently using pre outs from AVR L R to amps then speakers.

My reasoning concludes use the AVR pre outs to a set of inputs on the DDP 2 and fiddle with volume controls when watching TV or movies.

The home theater bypass are outputs on the DDP 2. To me it makes little sense that you output to the AVR unless you have a completely separate set of amps and speakers to use when watching TV, movies. The analog output from the DDP 2 is superior to the AVR's so what did ELAC envision with these as outputs? The only information I've gleened is these outputs are very useful but for what?

Hoping someone can talk noob and help me understand how this works.

I am using "Elac Alchemy DDP-2" with Active Speaker "Elac Navis ARB-51" and absolutely pleased with the sound quality.

It excels in every department like Holographic Soundstage, Slightly warmer Midrange, Good Bass performance. 

I wonder why "Elac Alchemy DDP-2" is not as popular as other DAC/Streamers like Lumin-T2. But I think Elac also has a part in it in not providing Firmware updates for enabling MQA and they could have implemented DLNA with Hi-Res capability (Currently supports upto CD Quality Only). Having said that, for someone using Roon, DDP-2 is a strong contender for one of the best DAC/Streamers under $4000. 
Read this thread with great interest.  I currently use a Bryston DAC3 which also uses an AKM chip, I am wondering if it’s the same one.  Parenthetically I note that AKM chips seem to remain available, as I thought that a fire had destroyed the company.  I love this DAC.
   I had also bought the Bryston BDP3 streamer, which sounded great but I ultimately found unusable due to a plethora of networking issues.  Bryston is now combing these 2 components and I would warn people off their streamer in any guise.
   Companies that excel in Audio stumble frequently when getting into streaming, which is basically IT, and now it seems that ELAC has joined that club.  Why did they release this without DLNA functionality?  For those of you that like the sound but have returned it for streaming issues, I would buy the Bryston DAC and get a separate streamer from a company that knows how to network
@mahler123, "Elac Alchemy DDP-2" supports DLNA but its resolution is limited to 16Bits/44.1Khz only. 

You are right about companies like Elac Alchemy & Bryston making almost everything right in DAC part but fails to be competitive in the streamer part. May be it is better for them to realise that streaming is also important and they need to develop their own streaming app like BluOS.

Same question on the Amped AAP-1 preamp. I can’t find any reviews, but it ticks all the boxes I am looking for in a two channel preamp… HT pass through, good analog & digital, analog bypass, remote, small form factor, attractive. 

Any experience with it or Amped?