The stereo sounds fine, music is great, but Jeff Bezos came back to earth.

Oh well, 2 out of three ain't bad.
@devilboy and @nonoise 

The 2 Party system sucks and you two need to stop with the talking points. 
All Noise all the time. The Devils in the details you all ruined a good tongue and cheek post.

Just because you're using a new handle doesn't absolve you of all your previous political rants which ran the same as devilboys under your old name so give us a break. 

But I see you're now down to the both sides do it argument which is the last resort of losers who are too ashamed to admit that they backed the wrong horse, so they're all bad. I guess you can call that progress. 

That, and this is not the end of some good tongue and cheek provided you're up to the task.

All the best,
Too bad....I was kinda hoping one of those oversize windows would blow out.  
Clearly, Jeff Bezos is too politicizing a figure to make a joke about. Then again, on this forum, I could start a thread called "Puppies are cute," and it would would go down faster than Stormy on Mario Kart's Toad.