A few members have recommended cleaning ears.
Well a proper ear cleaning can only be conducted in a hospital or similar.
Ear syringing is ineffective.
I had a proper ear cleaning done a couple of years ago, by a .specialised.
I watched the whole procedure via a video display .
The equipment used is a probe with various miniature tools and a camera- It is inserted into the ear cavity and extracts -In my case at least 60 years of wax , dirt and hair build up! The specialist cut , jetted ,vacuumed and snipped inside my ear canal , removing large chunks of hard wax -Ugh . I could smell the stuff as it was flushed out!
Finally he broke through endless muck -just like a tunneling machine , to reveal a pristine ear drum.
The process cost 3000 Baht for both ears - about $US 100.
At the time , I considered the best money spent on anything ever .It was that good.
As a comparison in audio perception improvement -Lets just say , from a $500 DAC to a $5000 DAC .