Rank the tweaks, geeks!

How would you rank the general importance of the following gear (not room or electrical) tweaks. You can use your own setup and experience as your basis. If you tried something and it didn't matter, put it in a separate paragraph at the bottom with "didn't matter" next to it. If it doesn't apply to your setup, just don't include it on your list.

speaker wires
speaker isolation
cable risers
component isolation
tube dampers
power cords for amps
power cords for preamps
power cords for other compnents
better capacitors (where?)
better fuses (where?)

Did I leave out an important tweak? Please add in as you see fit.

Think it's all snake oil and voodoo? Go watch some TV or take a walk and let folks on the thread have their fun. Because this is a hobby.

If you think that "everything matters" but are willing to go beyond that and suggest what would be the best first step toward doing something, please list the best first things to do. A "to do agenda" rather than a "priority list."
@duckworp Thanks for your detailed and descriptive list. I recently upgraded my speaker cable. My DAC cord is decent but not great. I need to install dedicated electrical lines before doing much more with power cord trials. My AP Crystal interconnects really advanced the sound for me.

Don't fully understand the stuff about Cisco switch; have been using wifi rather than ethernet cable because I've read that ethernet cables are susceptible in real ways. I don't really understand #10. I have a comcast/xfinity router within a few feet of my streamer. Are you suggesting different kind of cord here or some larger scale change.

Thanks again for your answers. Good to know that writing up a ranked list is a rational think to ask.
The greatest tweak is determining what you can hear.  (can we train our ears to hear better? at any age? not so sure) Don't let peer experience and/or purchase bias enter into the equation. My best tweak is a grain of salt.  Also avoid audio compulsive disease....never stopping to enjoy the music. I am open to learning but I am content with my destination whether in the car or in front of my "best" system. 
Hear hear jpwarren. Oh, and by the way -- just learned that adding a little salt to coffee before brewing helps  neutralize the bitterness (it blocks certain taste buds).